Welcome to the FAQ!

1. Are you actually married to Jimmy? - Pretty Much.

2. Whats a good album you like? - Quebec by ween.

3. What is your role in CapuCompany? - Admin.

4. Have you made any other projects? - Yes. CatLabsVR, A Canceled Project.

5. What can or do you do? - I can draw, Moderate Games, And Much More!

More Coming Soon!

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Website By BBJ


Song On The Welcome Page - Will Wood - Your Body My Temple Instrumental

Song On The FAQ (This) Page - Beardy - let's do OK!

Song On The Art Page - Will Wood - Skeleton Appreciation Day Instrumental

Song On The Jokes Page - Cafune - Tek It Instrumental

Song On The Extras Page - Kahoot - Lobby Music 8-bit

Song On The Likes Page - Tally Hall - &

Song On The Dislikes Page - Will Wood - Memento Mori Instrumental